“Sorry I couldn’t be civil today, we’re in a global economic depression.”

be happy ok
Things just suck for some right now.  I realize it’s gloomy, but chin up Ok?  I laugh every time someone says we’re in ‘unique times.’ Yeah, you think?  It’s clearly an understatement, but it’s beginning to feel as though our little economic situation has subconsciously given people the permission to unleash their silent inner demons.  All of a sudden, some people feel the need to act out their warped id – and indirectly blame it on the dismal economy.  Suddenly times have become so drastic, that they’ve forgotten common courtesy and can’t be bothered with simple manners.  I’m not buying.

If you can’t be sincerely pleasant – at least pretend. It’s like they say, “The best way to be happy – make someone else happy.”  So try it, the next time you want to be a grump.

just what the doc prescribes. . .


SYMPTOMS: Massive migraine-esque headaches, extensive lethargic behaviour, bitterness towards the world at large, tendency to snap at friends, acquaintances, relatives and various random strangers, reluctance to leave the condo/apartment/house; or a variation thereof.

DIAGNOSIS: Slight depression due to prolonged cold weather, and the current “economic situation.”

PRESCRIPTION: A week on a beach.

However, if that’s not possible – a dose of the following may help:

FIRESIDE – CULTURE WEEK | March 2 – 7, 2009, along Queen West.  Enjoy a week-long celebration of various Art, food, live music, comedy, spoken word etc. Performances are scheduled at various outlets such as, Poor John’s Café, The Parkdale Drink, Rustic Cosmo Café, Gallery 1313, and Studio 1686.

Visit www.parkdalevillagebia.com for a full list of the week’s events.

PROGNOSIS: Prolonged exposure to such activities may alleviate melancholy, grumpiness and general disinterest; depending on dosage. (Note: the meds won’t work if you don’t take it.)

Feel better! 😉